Monday, October 10, 2011

Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship (ADF)

For those that do not know me I am a member of the ADF. Have been since 2009, I've come close to leave her more then once, but I always end up staying on. Now to be sure she has her problems and maybe I'll even address those in a future post, but this post is about the nine reasons I love her and stay in. Also two awesome videos, the first being one I'd love to see on ADF's front page:

Now for the nine reasons I love her:

1) Out of all the Pagan organizations in America this is the one that has the best chance of eventually become mainstream and growing to become a major player in the religious world today.

2) ADF is serious about it's Neo-Paganism. This is no group of teenage girls playing a 24/7 Charmed LARP. ADF is based firmly in research THEN experience. Along with a realistic view on accountablity, you will find no New Age Bullies here (A coming post btw).

3) It has a top quality training program for clergy and excellent support for building Groves in ones area.

4) Everyone is free to speak there minds. While it is true I've often been told to leave due to some of my view points when ADF was founded Isaac made it clear it was for everyone even those that disagree with the party line and that we should be free to stay and argue our point... (After all our fringe view point may just become the new mainstream view).

5) It offers a set form of ritual to bind all the members together in a community with the Gods, Spirits and the Ancestors.

6) ADF has an excellent code of Ethics, and I don't just mean "harm none" which is actually the most worthless code of ethics in existence as anyone that took a first year course on ethics or read an Idiot's Guide can tell you.

7) While ADF has a Public Theology what you believe in your own Domestic Grove is your business and your business alone.

8) The ADF's Core Order of Ritual is in my opinion THE best Neo-Pagan order of worship around. It is at once beautiful, anchored in our daily lives, able to take us outside of (and into) ourselves and versatile. The COoR can be used for personal or group worship, at home or in Temple, daily worship or high days and can be adapted for every occasion from cradle to grave and beyond.

9) The people! Some of the most dedicated and devout Neo-Pagans you will ever meet. One story that comes to mind was finding a questionable article on the ADF home page that promoted criminal actions, I contacted the Leadership who looked this over and the article was removed as soon as they verified what I'd found out. Not only that but the web-team asked me to check over the site and see if I could spot anything else they missed. Just in case and I am sure I wasn't the only member asked.

I leave you with this video by a former member of the ADF, while it is outdated Kirk is the new ArchDruid as Skip's term limit was up (Three terms of three years is the ADF limit for Archdruid).

Along with a link to the ADF website:

-Gwydion Raventhorn

Friday, October 7, 2011

Here we go again...

My old blog died a few years ago, I tried to revive it but have been unable to sign into it. Therefore I am starting fresh with a new blog.

I really do not like the design but hopefully I'll find something better soon.

-Gwydion Raventhorn